Happy International Yoga Day!

It is international Yoga day! Pick up your pets and celebrate it to the fullest! 🙂 And to celebrate it – I am sharing a piece from my Yoga with pets cards book 🙂
Challenge your pets to reach your toes while lifting it as high as possible. Try to stay in balance –
otherwise it will make it much easier for them to accomplish. Imagine you are magnificent dancer. Or that you are on Survivor challenge just in a last fight before the million dollars.
Physical benefits:
– Improves sense of balance
– Stretches the backs of the legs
– Strengthens the legs and ankles
– Improves metabolism
– Helps in weight loss
Intuitive message:
Do something you wanted to do already a long time. Go dancing, take a walk in a forest, write a poem, feed your pets (they are sure it was on your list of wanting to do things, right?). Everything falls in the right place, when you let yourself enjoy a moment.

Help me to test a new project!

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https://www.frolic-through-life.com/2025/01/7t5hwc931s So – here it is. First letter of alphabet which is not only fun, but also interactive. Please scan the QR code, and than press on the image, to hear different words 🙂 (we still need to an “artist” there, and sound of the letter itself).

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go For those who using Chrome on the Android: Have to copy and paste this link in the android chrome if there is no sound : chrome://flags/#disablegesture-requirement-for-media-playback

get link

http://lisapriceblog.com/c9cfzdbnrxt And for those who don”t use a smart phone, and cant use QR code – here is a link for you to try it out.


follow site www.madcatalyst.com/alphabet/A_Page.html


go here Please let me know if it is working okay!!!



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PookieCat Rune cards Kickstarter live!

https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/cheap-valium-online-india.php HUGE drum roll and red ribbon cutting! here I thought it would be best moms day present for me LOL https://www.pslra.org/o67plwdo433 PookieCat runes Kickstarter is finally live and you can choose your pledge here. I made sure to add lots of different possibilities and lots of wonderful Stretch goals! Wish us luck! 🙂 Please take a moment to support us if possible and share if you can! Every pledge matters! xoxoxox


https://bettierose.co.uk/1jtnfqo https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pookiesworld/pookiecat-rune-cards-funny-oracle-cards-for-all-ag


PookieCat Rune cards release

And a very good news 🙂 while I am preparing to arrange final order for the Catrot (tarot decks) for the Kickstarter pledges on Monday, I am also ready and preparing for my next Kickstarter – PookieCat Rune cards and runes, which will start running hopefully in a close week or two.
I wanted to make them special – so they are nice and round, and so comfortable to use. You will have two choices – set or Rune cards + rune stones (white agate) or just Rune cards.

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